Industry Report

Integrated telecommunications services market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2024-2029

This product is also available in Polish

Integrated telecommunications services market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2024-2029

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: Integrated telecommunications services
Country: Poland

The report shows the value of the market and expenses structure, broken down into different types of services. It also analyses volume aspects, such as number of services sold in the retail telecommunications market, number of services sold in bundles, average number of services per bundle and number of subscribers to bundled services.

It also provides information on consumer trends, including the most frequently chosen service bundles and the reasons behind choosing bundled services. The report presents key market trends, most important events and investments in the context of the market development forecasts for 2024-2029. You will also find data on the competitive environment – detailed profiles of the most important providers of integrated telecommunications services and information on the market structure  in terms of the shares of individual providers.


What is the content of the report?

  • Volume and value forecasts of market growth to 2029.
  • Analysis of the following market segments:
    • voice services in fixed telephony (PSTN/VoIP)
    • mobile voice services
    • fixed-line Internet access services
    • mobile Internet access services (modem + PC)
    • pay-TV services
    • value added services
  • Number of subscribers to integrated services in total and by package type.
  • Estimation of the number of subscribers to bundled services and the number of RGUs sold in bundles, by operator.
  • Volume and value shares of individual players.
  • Analysis of operators' offerings and portfolios of integrated services:
    • price lists,
    • Average revenue per customer,
    • value of integrated services market.
  • Identification of key trends and tendencies in the market.

Why to buy the report?

  • Shows the outlook for the development of bundled packages and services in the coming years
  • The only collection of reliable data on the integrated services market in Poland
  • Offers the most up-to-date data, thanks to direct contact with market participants and the latest B2C research
  • Shows prospects for further evolution of the market towards bundling of services

Who benefits from the analysis?

Executives, decision makers from marketing, sales and development departments, representing:

  • companies operating on the telecommunications market in Poland or interested in entering the market
  • telecommunications operators, regardless of specialization and activity segment
  • cable TV networks and ISP
  • banks, insurers and power sector companies
  • suppliers of telecommunications and network equipment
  • domestic financial institutions (banks, brokerage houses, investment funds)
  • foreign financial institutions with international reach

More info

For details on price and content please call:
+48 782 011 000
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Other versions: Polish
Sector: Integrated telecommunications services
Country: Poland

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