Industry Report

Construction chemicals market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2025-2030

This product is also available in Polish

Construction chemicals market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2025-2030

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: Building materials
Country: Poland

The report analyses in detail and presents the breakdown of the factory-made construction chemicals market in its five main segments:

  • tile adhesives,
  • plasters,
  • thermal insulation systems,
  • mortars,
  • floor screeds.

The study presents both a unique survey among small and medium-sized renovation and construction companies regularly using the analysed products, and a detailed calculation of the market volume and value, together with PMR's forecasts up to 2030.


What is the content of the report?

Calculation of market size and value, both for the entire market and for its segments: mortars, tile adhesives, insulation systems, thick layer plasters and floor screeds. Identification of key market trends – changes in the construction chemicals market in Poland. The results of the survey of small and medium-sized renovation and construction

Why to buy the report?

Comprehensive overview of the construction chemicals market and its major segments such as masonry mortars, tile adhesives, insulation systems, thick-coat plasters, and floor screeds. Unique forecasts for the market and analyzed segments up to 2030, based on advanced econometric methods Analysis of the largest players Unique survey of renovation and construction companies Detailed analysis of the

Who benefits from the analysis?

Executives, decision-makers from marketing and sales departments, representing: Manufacturers of adhesives for ceramic tiles Manufacturers of masonry mortars Manufacturers of wall construction materials Manufacturers of floor screeds Manufacturers of plaster mortars Suppliers of raw materials for the manufacture of construction chemicals Suppliers of chemical additives
Table of Contents
  • Executive summary
  • Adhesives for ceramic tiles and other types of cladding Market structure Purchasing trends Main product brands Market volume, value and forecasts

More info

For details on price and content please call:
+48 782 011 000
or email

Other versions: Polish
Sector: Building materials
Country: Poland

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