Industry Report

Cloud computing market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2025-2030

This product is also available in Polish

Cloud computing market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2025-2030

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: Cloud computing
Country: Poland

PMR’s report measures the cloud market, broken down into individual categories and segments. The report presents key data and trends in the analysed market, based on a proprietary B2B survey of demand. The individual market segments are also analysed in the context of the macroeconomic situation and, on the basis of these analyses, development forecasts up to 2030 have been prepared.

The report contains a comparison of cloud usage in small, medium, and large companies, as well as in the public sector, divided into the main cloud models: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, public cloud and private cloud.

Trends, key data and global forecasts were confronted with the Polish market and PMR's own B2B research. The publication includes profiles of major cloud service providers present on the domestic market.

The report includes two additional tools:

  • the Executive Summary in the form of a PowerPoint presentation,
  • the Report Statistics Database (Excel file).

What is the content of the report?

Value and growth of the Polish cloud computing market, as well as each of its major segments: SaaS, IaaS and PaaS, and by private and public cloud model. Forecasts including the impact of coronavirus on the market. Cloud solutions spending structure and forecasts broken down by large

Why to buy the report?

Customers using this report recommend it for: Creating strategies, operational plans and budgets Analysis of the development potential of cloud computing in Poland and in the entire Polish IT sector Planning of entry into the Polish cloud computing market Expanding an enterprise's operations with cloud computing technologies and services Moving to the use of cloud serv

Who benefits from the analysis?

Sales, marketing, strategy and development executives from companies such as: cloud service providers offering XaaS solutions (including primarily IaaS, PaaS and SaaS), data center operators, hosting companies, IT service providers, software manufacturers, telecommunications companies offering cloud computing services, investors and financial service providers, <l
Table of Contents
  • Executive summary
  • Cloud computing market in Poland Value and growth rate of the cloud computing market in Poland Market structure Private and public cloud SaaS, IaaS, PaaS Microenterprises, SMEs, large enterprises and public institutions Economy sectors Distribution channels SWOT analysis Key legal and regulatory developments in the area of cloud computing Key trends on the cloud computing market in Poland Cloud computing penetration and areas of use Cloud computing market trends in Poland Public cloud service price level (IaaS) Market growth forecasts for 2024-2029 Trends, forecasts and international comparisons Growth forecasts for the cloud computing market in Poland Factors influencing the cloud computing market in Poland Key conclusions and recommendations related to the presented forecasts
Graphs and Tables
  • Value and change of the cloud computing market in Poland, 2014-2023
  • Value and change of the public and private cloud computing markets in Poland, 2014-2023

More info

For details on price and content please call:
+48 782 011 000
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Other versions: Polish
Sector: Cloud computing
Country: Poland

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