Industry Report

Public and non-public hospital market in Hungary

Market analysis and development prospects for 2022-2027

This product is also available in Polish

Public and non-public hospital market in Hungary

Market analysis and development prospects for 2022-2027

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: Healthcare
Country: Hungary

This publication presents an analysis of the hospital market in Hungary, including general and specialised hospitals, university hospitals, psychiatric hospitals and other medical facilities with beds. An important part of the publication is the database of all hospitals active in Hungary, including private and public facilities, which contains information on the number of beds, also number of beds per on particular wards, categories and areas of healthcare provided by a given facility and contact data.

The report contains essential information about the hospital market in the Hungary. It also presents a macroeconomic outlook and forecast until 2026 prepared by the PMR’s team of econometricians. An important part of this edition is the analysis of major events and trends which affect the hospital market and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hospital sector in Hungary.


What is the content of the report?

  • Macroeconomic outlook and PMR forecasts until 2026
  • Past and anticipated events, reforms and trends which affect hospitals in Hungary
  • Analysis of COVID-19 pandemic impact on the hospitals in Hungary
  • Number and characteristics of facilities based on data collected by PMR, with their location and breakdown into types
  • Analysis of the number of hospital by ownership and by region
  • Investments on the hospital market
  • Ranking of the largest hospitals by beds count
  • Number of hospitalisations and physicians working at hospitals
  • Profiles of selected private hospital groups
  • Information on funding hospitals in Hungary

Why to buy the report?

  • The hospital market analysis is an essential tool for investors (healthcare providers) who want to assess the saturation of hospitals in a given region.
  • It is also essential for suppliers of medical equipment and drugs, IT companies and suppliers of other technologies to estimate the potential of the market by region.
  • It will also help to develop distribution strategies for products (drugs, medical equipment) and services for the hospital market.
  • It will support investment planning on the hospital market in Hungary.
  • The publication is an essential tool for monitoring new market trends and assessing their impact on the current and future financial performance of a company.

Who benefits from the analysis?

  • Operators of hospitals
  • Pharmaceutical companies and medical equipment manufacturers
  • Providers of modern technologies for hospitals
  • Companies interested in taking over hospitals on Hungarian market
  • Entities providing services to hospitals in Hungary
  • Private equity and investment funds
  • Academic and research organisations
  • Chambers of commerce and industry organisations.
Table of Contents
  • Methodology
  • Executive summary

More info

For details on price and content please call:
+48 782 011 000
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Other versions: Polish
Sector: Healthcare
Country: Hungary

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