The informations are available through an interactive online platform, provided in the form of weekly updates sent by e-mail. It is possible to create pdf files with the latest news.
As part of paid subscription to PMR Market Insight, you also receive a monthly comprehensive overview of data and analyses with the most important market statistics.
What is the content of PMR's Insight?
In the PMR weekly magazine you will find continuously updated information on the impact of inflation and war in Ukraine on the sector, including:
- thorough analyses of the current situation and development prospects in Poland and abroad in connection with the COVID-19 epidemic
- revised forecasts and indicators that will affect the construction market in the coming months, based on data collected by PMR
- articles describing strategic solutions and concepts used by industry leaders in response to the changes brought about by the epidemic
- discussing current and future trends, possible after the epidemic and key macroeconomic factors
- articles showing the expected major events that may affect the construction industry.
And also:
- comments and opinions of external and internal specialists on the current and future situation in the sector
- detailed summaries of revised statistics and explanations of key industry indicators
- analyses and studies by PMR experts offering a unique perspective on the industry - articles, comments, charts and tables discussing the most important market issues
- news briefs include a variety of developments on topics such as legal issues affecting retail market performance, changes in retail space occupancy as well as new investments.