Industry Report

Online non-prescription products market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2024-2029

This product is also available in Polish

Online non-prescription products market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2024-2029

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: OTC
Country: Poland

The report provides an analysis of the online OTC market and 5-year forecasts of its development. Consumer characteristics and behaviour are also featured, along with an analysis of changes over time. The publication includes a chapter on the key players operating in the discussed market.

In addition, the report is supplied with information on:

  • market size and sales value of online stores and online pharmacies,
  • development forecasts for the market and its distribution channels,
  • most important factors that will affect the market, with an analytical explanation of their impact. 

The individual market segments are analysed, among others broken down into the following categories: OTC drugs, dietary supplements and dermocosmetics.

The report has been prepared taking into account the impact of inflation of the analysed products as well as the war in Ukraine and migration to Poland, current trends and legislative changes.


What is the content of the report?

  • information on the size of the e-commerce market: sales value of online stores and online pharmacies (OTC drugs, food supplements and dermocosmetics),
  • development forecasts for the market and its distribution channels (online stores and online pharmacies) for 2024-2029,
  • development forecasts for online sales of dietary supplements and dermocosmetics,
  • value of online sales of dietary supplements and dermocosmetics, by type of store,
  • value share of each category of dermocosmetics and dietary supplements purchased online,
  • most important past and expected events and trends, together with PMR analysts' assessment of their impact on the market value,
  • demand-side, supply-side, technological, macroeconomic and demographic trends, along with an analytical discussion of their impact on the online OTC products market,
  • impact of legal changes on the online market of OTC products,
  • extensive profile of the consumer buying drugs, dietary supplements and dermocosmetics online, segmentation of buyers,
  • bestselling categories of OTC drugs, dietary supplements and dermocosmetics,
  • bestselling brands of dietary supplements and dermocosmetics,
  • pickup methods for OTC product online orders (drugs, dietary supplements, dermocosmetics),
  • price flexibility for selected dietary supplements and dermocosmetics,
  • need to seek advice from a pharmacist when purchasing OTC products online: drugs, dietary supplements, dermocosmetics,
  • size of unplanned purchases when buying OTC products online,
  • leading online pharmacies and stores – profiles with information on the financial performance and product range, as well as estimated revenue from OTC online trade.

Why to buy the report?

  • Includes original forecasts to 2029 prepared by a team of econometricians and market analysts
  • Presents unique data on sales of OTC products in online shops
  • Provides the necessary data for segmenting online shoppers
  • An essential tool for monitoring new trends and developments in the OTC e-commerce market
  • Facilitates analysis of competition and the impact of changes on current and future financial performance
  • A key tool in the development of pricing policies for OTC products sold online

Who benefits from the analysis?

Management representatives, directors of sales, marketing and finance departments, representing:

  • manufacturers of OTC medicines, dietary supplements and dermocosmetics, as well as companies considering entering the OTC market,
  • distributors of OTC products operating or considering Internet activities - e.g. pharmacies, shops, Internet platforms,
  • manufacturers who operate or intend to sell their products via their own online shop,
  • retail and drugstore chains that sell OTC products or wish to expand their offerings to include these products,
  • cosmetics companies planning to enter the dermocosmetics sector,
  • companies looking for investment opportunities or interested in company acquisitions e.g. private equity funds,
  • Chambers of commerce, industry organisations.
Table of Contents
  • Executive summary
  • Value of the online non-prescription products market in Poland in 2020-2023 and PMR forecast for 2024-2029
Graphs and Tables
  • PMR forecast: value (PLN m) and change (% YoY) of the online non-prescription products market in Poland, 2020-2029
  • PMR forecast: GDP per capita and real GDP change in Poland, 2020-2029

More info

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Other versions: Polish
Sector: OTC
Country: Poland

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