Industry Report

Non-food discounters market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2025-2030

This product is also available in Polish

Non-food discounters market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2025-2030

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: Retail & FMCG
Country: Poland

A detailed analysis of the dynamically growing non-food discounters market in Poland, that value exceeded PLN 13 billion in 2024. The publication includes forecasts up to 2030, taking into account the number of stores, the largest product categories, and the share of discounters in retail trade.

The report describes, among other things, the development of networks in medium-sized and small towns, their growing popularity in shopping parks, and advantages. Detailed data includes sales values, development plans of market leaders, as well as consumer profile. An indispensable source of information for companies planning expansion or analyzing trends in retail trade.


What is the content of the report?

  • market value of non-food discounters in 2020–2024 along with forecasts for its development up to 2030
  • number of non-food discounters in 2020–2024 along with forecasts for its development up to 2030
  • profiles of the largest non-food discount networks and their development plans
  • major product categories in the non-food discounters market
  • brand awareness of industrial discount chains over recent years
  • consumer profile of non-food discount shoppers, both overall and within specific networks
  • competitive environment within major product categories

Profile of non-food discounters consumer

  • awareness of major discount chains
  • frequency of visits to individual discount chains
  •  socio-demographic profile of non-food discount consumers:
    • overall
    • compared to competing purchase channels
    • within specific chains  

Profiles of major non-food discount chains:

  • sales value and market shares
  • number of stores
  • sales per store
  • development plans 
  • specializations and most frequently chosen product categories
  • consumer profile 

Why to buy the report?

i.e. what important questions it answers?  

  • What will be the growth dynamics of the market between 2025–2030?
  • What is the sales value of clothing and footwear, home furnishings, and food products sold by non-food discounters?
  • How many stores and what sales values do the largest discount chains hold?
  • What are the development plans of individual chains for the coming years?
  • What will be the total number of industrial discount stores in 2030?
  • Which consumer groups are the most frequent visitors?
  • Consumer profile of non-food discounters – which groups shop at these stores most frequently?

More info

For details on price and content please call:
+48 782 011 000
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Other versions: Polish
Sector: Retail & FMCG
Country: Poland

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