Industry Report

Home furnishings retail market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2024-2029

This product is also available in Polish

Home furnishings retail market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2024-2029

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: Home furnishings & equipment
Country: Poland

This is the 10th edition of a unique analysis of the home furnishings market in Poland. It presents key data on the development of the sector of furniture and home furnishings, broken down by main distribution channels, along with the growth forecast for the market and its sales channels in 2024-2029.

The report is a comprehensive analysis of the home furnishings market in light of the main factors affecting it, including the war in Ukraine, macroeconomic factors (e.g. inflation and disposable income), as well as demand- and supply-side factors (e.g. mortgage availability and the number of housing units and homes completed).

The publication also presents the main segments in the home furnishings market in Poland, broken down by online and offline sales, as well as rankings and profiles of the largest retailers in the home furnishing segment.

The analysis is complemented by the discussion of the findings of a consumer survey conducted by PMR specifically for this report. The survey covers renovations completed and planned by Poles and their scope, the average cost of completed and planned renovations, the path to purchase for renovation and construction products, and the most frequently selected additional services.

The report is compiled in the form of a presentation. The set comprises also an Excel file with the most important data from the report, allowing individual analysis/aggregation of the data.


What is the content of the report?

  • Value of the home furnishings market in Poland along with growth forecast for 2024-2029
  • Analysis of trends and factors influencing the home furnishings market in Poland, including the war in Ukraine, macroeconomic and demographic factors, demand- and supply-side factors
  • Value of individual distribution channels/retail formats in the home furnishings market in Poland, together with growth forecast for 2024-2029, broken down by specialist chains (i.e. furniture, furnishings), DIY, large-format grocery stores, internet, other channels (comprising, e.g. marketplaces, carpentry services, chains where the products under analysis are only supplementary, and non-chain stores)
  • Ranking and profiles of key players in the home furnishings market 
  • Value and shares of different product categories in the home furnishings market, including furniture, home textiles, kitchenware, bathroom accessories, lighting, home decor, storage products, and garden and balcony furnishings
  • Profile of buyers of furniture and other home furnishings in Poland
  • Consumer segmentation by purchasing potential

Why to buy the report?

  • It provides a comprehensive analysis of the retail market of furniture and other home furnishing products (i.e. furniture, home textiles, lighting, kitchen or bathroom accessories, storage products, and garden and balcony furnishings), and covers all the distribution channels for DIY products, along with growth forecasts for 2024-2029
  • It contains growth forecasts for the home furnishings market, taking into account the impact of the war in Ukraine and rising prices of home furnishings; the forecasts are presented in nominal and real terms
  • It is a compilation and analysis of a number of macroeconomic, demand- and supply-side indicators influencing the home furnishings market in Poland
  • It discusses the growth potential of the home furnishings market, considering consumer segmentation and renovations planned by Poles
  • It includes the value of online sales of home furnishings, along with growth forecasts for 2024-2029, it analyses both e-stores and e-commerce platforms, and presents estimated revenues of the biggest players in the channel

Who benefits from the analysis?

Executives, marketing, sales and business development decision-makers representing:

  • Specialist (furniture, home furnishings) chains
  • DIY store chains
  • Grocery store chains that offer home furnishing products (hypermarkets and discounters)
  • Online stores, e-commerce platforms
  • Non-food discount stores
  • Manufacturers of home furnishings
  • Distributors and importers of home furnishings
  • Providers of technical solutions for stores
  • Investment funds, banks, financial institutions.
Table of Contents
  • Methodology
  • Executive summary

More info

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Other versions: Polish
Sector: Home furnishings & equipment
Country: Poland

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