Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages

Industry Report

Generic and innovative drugs market in Bulgaria

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2018-2023

This product is also available in Polish

Generic and innovative drugs market in Bulgaria

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2018-2023

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: Pharmacy and healthcare
Country: Bulgaria

This convenient report presents the value, structure, and growth prospects in 2018 to 2023 for Bulgaria’s generic and innovative medicines market.

The report contains lists of best-selling products. Also detailed are informative profiles of major generic and innovative drug developers and manufacturers operating in Bulgaria. An important factor of the report is an expert analysis of reimbursement process with regard to these specific types of medicines and therapies. The upcoming regulatory changes planned for Bulgaria’s market are also described.


What is the content of the report?

  • Current and historical data describing the value and growth of Bulgaria’s generic and innovative drugs market as well as total pharmaceutical market
  • Complete forecasts for 2018-2023 regarding the development of the pharmaceutical market and its generic and innovative drugs segments
  • Market share of Bulgaria’s pharmaceutical sector captured by generic and innovative drugs and therapies
  • Top manufacturers of generic and innovative drugs in Bulgaria, their operations and development plans
  • List of the best-selling generic and innovative drugs in Bulgaria
  • Reimbursement process, planed and anticipated changes in reimbursement lists; analysis takes into account generic and innovative drugs
  • Bulgarian regulations regarding reimbursement, pricing, data exclusivity, patent expiry, supplemental protection
  • Market events and trends influencing the generic and innovative drugs market, including upcoming legal changes in Bulgaria.

Why to buy the report?

The report provides important support when:

  • Analysing the market and activities of its key players
  • Adjusting strategy to the market conditions and future growth
  • Budgeting corporate expenses and profits for the coming years
  • Assembling or modifying a company’s pharmaceutical product portfolio
  • Completing preparations for entering Bulgaria’s generic and innovative drugs market
  • Seeking information about Bulgaria’s regulations for pricing, patents and reimbursements
  • Comparing the Bulgarian market with other Central European pharma markets.

Who benefits from the analysis?

This report was prepared to assist experts and managers in marketing, sales, strategy, and development working in the areas of:

  • Manufacturers and distributors that supply generic and innovative drugs on the Bulgarian market
  • Businesses considering entry onto Bulgaria’s pharmaceutical market
  • Research institutes, transportation firms, and promotion agencies supporting pharma companies in Bulgaria
  • Financial institutions, banks, private equity funds
  • Government and educational organisations
  • Chambers of commerce and trade organisations
  • Business consultants, researchers and analysts.
Table of Contents
  • Methodology
  • Executive summary

More info

For details on price and content please call:
+48 782 011 000
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Other versions: Polish
Sector: Pharmacy and healthcare
Country: Bulgaria

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