Industry Report

Construction sector review in Lithuania

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2021-2026

This product is also available in Polish

Construction sector review in Lithuania

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2021-2026

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: Construction
Country: Lithuania

The report provides an extensive compilation of analysis and details of market trends for the construction market in Lithuania. It also including a detailed breakdown for the residential, non-residential and civil engineering segments. The report also supplies expert analysis of the macroeconomic situation, government programmes, plans for infrastructure projects, the effects of legal and regulatory trends on the market, and much more. It also includes growth forecasts till 2026.


What is the content of the report?

  • Trends – recent market trends and expert forecasts for the outcomes of current tendencies
  • Conditions – current materials prices, wages and employment on the construction market in Lithuania, with the total number of participating companies
  • Competitive landscape – list of companies involved in the most prestigious construction projects, their plans and prospects
  • Value – current numbers and estimates for potential growth in the residential, non-residential and civil engineering segments of the construction market.
  • Forecasts until 2026 also for market subgroups
  • Extensive information on production of key building materials
  • Excel file with many projects planned in Lithuania, including details on investors, project size and value

Why to buy the report?

  • Discover data necessary for creating business development strategy
  • Study reliable forecasts useful for budgeting and planning expenses
  • Monitor the market and its growth potential
  • Analyse the competitive environment
  • Limit investment risk for mergers and acquisitions, entering new markets.

Who benefits from the analysis?

Executive board members and marketing, sales, investment, and business development directors of:

  • Developers and contractors
  • Construction machinery
  • Building materials manufacturers and distributors
  • Banks, investment funds and financial services providers
  • Trade organizations, chambers of commerce
  • Educational and government institutions
  • Designers and project management specialists
Table of Contents
  • Methodology
  • Construction overview Construction market value Construction companies Employment and wages Construction prices Business confidence in construction Building materials industry overview Macroeconomic outlook for 2021-2026 Development forecast for the construction output in 2021-2026
Graphs and Tables
  • Gross value added breakdown in Lithuania (%), by subgroup, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2017-2020
  • Breakdown of the EU structural funds available for Lithuania (%), by type, 2014-2020

More info

For details on price and content please call:
+48 782 011 000
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Other versions: Polish
Sector: Construction
Country: Lithuania

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