Industry Report

Construction market in CEE countries

Comparative analysis and forecasts 2022-2026

This product is also available in Polish

Construction market in CEE countries

Comparative analysis and forecasts 2022-2026

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: Construction
Country: Central Europe

The report presents in a concise and synthetic manner the construction market of the main Central and Eastern European countries: Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The comparative analysis indicates the balance of power in the construction market of the region - a comparison of the values of the construction markets and main segments is included.

The report contains forecasts for the development of both the construction markets and the key macroeconomic indicators. It focuses on the most relevant data and key information.


What is the content of the report?

  • Value and change of the market and 5-year forecasts for all countries
  • Regional structure of the CEE construction market
  • Ranking of the largest construction markets in the region
  • Genre structure of construction markets of individual countries
  • Geographical structure of construction markets of individual countries
  • Ranking of the largest construction companies in individual countries
  • Market forecasts to 2026.

Why to buy the report?

  • Will help to create a business development strategy in terms of possible foreign expansion
  • Will help Polish companies position themselves within the structures of international concerns
  • Will allow for monitoring of the market and its development potential
  • Will provide the most important and significant data in the form of synthetic comparisons and rankings
  • Reduces investment risk, e.g. when entering a new market, merger or acquisition

Who benefits from the analysis?

The analysis has been prepared to support managers and experts from sales, marketing, investment, and strategy and development management departments of companies and organizations in the construction industry - in particular:

  • operating in Poland and considering expansion into foreign markets
  • operating on international markets
  • belonging to international concerns

The report will be useful for both contractors and building material manufacturers. An additional group of potential customers include:

  • Research and consulting companies
  • Banks, brokerage houses and investors interested in this market
  • Trade, PR and industry organizations.

More info

For details on price and content please call:
+48 782 011 000
or email

Other versions: Polish
Sector: Construction
Country: Central Europe

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