Industry Report

Civil engineering construction in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2024-2029

This product is also available in Polish

Civil engineering construction in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2024-2029

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: Civil Engineering
Country: Poland

Comprehensive analysis of the civil engineering construction market in Poland, presenting the current situation and development forecasts not only for the entire market but also for its segments:

  • water and sewage construction,
  • road construction,
  • railway and tram construction,
  • industrial and energy construction.

The report contains a detailed analysis of the segments of the civil engineering construction market both in general and at the regional - voivodeship level (a compilation of data included in both the report "Construction sector in Poland 2024" and the report "Construction sector in Poland 2024 - regional analysis").


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Other versions: Polish
Sector: Civil Engineering
Country: Poland

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