Industry Report

Private healthcare market in Bulgaria

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2018-2023

This product is also available in Polish

Private healthcare market in Bulgaria

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2018-2023

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: Private healthcare
Country: Bulgaria

This report furnishes a complete set of value, structure and growth data, in-depth analysis and expert forecasts for the private healthcare market in Bulgaria from 2018 until 2023. It examines recent, current and near-future predicted market conditions and important regulatory and legal developments and key trends. Also provided are detailed profiles of companies that lead the industry in the provision of private health insurance and medical subscriptions. The report also inspects the private hospital sector in Bulgaria and the prospects for public health spending through 2023.


What is the content of the report?

  • Data that describes recent expansion and current situation of the private healthcare market in Bulgaria
  • Forecasts for market value and growth dynamics for 2018-2023
  • Growth factors and barriers for the Bulgarian private healthcare market
  • Segment analysis providing statistical data, status and prospects for private hospitals, private health insurance and medical subscriptions
  • Profiles spotlighting the most influential companies currently providing private health insurance and medical subscriptions to Bulgarian consumers
  • Consumer behaviour and attitudes towards private healthcare services in Bulgaria
  • Market attributes of private healthcare in Bulgaria, including: services provided, market size and structure and recent and upcoming regulatory events
  • Significant trends in private healthcare in Bulgaria and their outcomes, including analysis of the medical tourism
  • Legal updates on matters currently affecting the private health insurance and medical subscriptions segments of the market
  • Upcoming regulatory developments that will influence market conditions.

Why to buy the report?

PMR clients reach for this report when:

  • Conducting research on competing businesses in Bulgaria’s private healthcare sector
  • Building a strategy for market participation and expansion 
  • Budgeting corporate or project-focused expenses 
  • Starting a new business on the private healthcare market in Bulgaria
  • Seeking the latest market updates, news and analysis of important market events and changes
  • Estimating growth potential on this market and its key segments.

Who benefits from the analysis?

Businesses that value this document most include marketing, sales, and strategy professionals from:

  • Companies that specialise in health insurance and/or medical subscription development and sales on the Bulgarian market
  • Medical services companies active in the private sector
  • Operators and administrators of private hospitals active in Bulgaria
  • Financial service providers such as banks and investment consultants
  • Providers of services, drugs and medical devices for healthcare facilities
  • Market analysts and researchers
  • Educational and government institutions.
Table of Contents
  • Key reforms and trends
  • General characteristics and market value
Graphs and Tables
  • Main past trends and events and their effect on the private healthcare market in Bulgaria, 2016-2017
  • M&A on the private healthcare market in Bulgaria, 2016-2017

More info

For details on price and content please call:
+48 782 011 000
or email

Other versions: Polish
Sector: Private healthcare
Country: Bulgaria

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