Industry Report

Polish consumer 2030

Analysis and forecasts for individual product categories in 2030

This product is also available in Polish

Polish consumer 2030

Analysis and forecasts for individual product categories in 2030

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: Retail
Country: Poland

The report provides a uniquely comprehensive view of what Polish consumers spend their money on, and forecasts how their spending patterns will evolve through 2030.

It covers more than 100 categories of goods and services, from food and drink through clothes and furniture to recreation and transport services. It also looks at per capita consumption of selected food categories.

The data and forecasts are based on the largest regular household survey conducted in Poland, whose sample is made up of about 37,000 households.

The publication contains expert qualitative interpretation of opportunities and threats for particular categories, making it an invaluable resource for strategy planning.


What is the content of the report?

  • Complete picture of what Polish consumers spend their money on
  • Exclusive forecasts until 2030 for more than 100 categories of consumer goods and services
  • Per capita consumption of selected food products
  • Expert qualitative commentary for each category, including SWOT analysis
  • Analysis of macroeconomic factors impacting retail

Why to buy the report?

  • Exclusive forecasts until 2030 for more than 100 categories of consumer goods and services
  • Demography, new consumer trends, and macroeconomic factors taken into account
  • Allows for comparisons among categories and groups
  • Expert qualitative commentary
  • Based on the largest regular household survey in Poland, conducted by the Central Statistical Office on a sample of more than 37,000 households

Who benefits from the analysis?

Who benefits from the analysis:

  • Category managers (or equivalent)
  • Managers in charge of strategy
  • Sales analysts

The report is meant for the following parties:

  • Retailers, wholesalers, specialty chains and other companies who sell consumer goods and services
  • Manufacturers, processors and distributors of consumer products
  • Logistics firms
  • Packaging manufacturers
  • Companies looking to expand into new product categories or launch online shopping
  • Service providers
  • Banks, stockbrokers, investment funds
  • Trade groups
  • Consultancy firms
  • Embassies
Table of Contents
  • Consumer goods and services                                                      
  • Food and non-alcoholic beverages                                                     food                                                                        breads and cereals                                                  breads other bakery products                                              pastas, pasta products + rice                               breakfast cereals                                                       meat                                                                         raw meat                                                         hen, cock, chicken                                                             other poultry pork beef mixed minced meat processed meat and other meat preparations                                            edible offal and offal preparations                                                 fish and seafood                                                           milk, cheese                                               milk + condensed and powdered milk                                                        yoghurt                                                                  cheese and cottage cheese                                                           cottage cheese                                                                  ripening and melted cheese                                              cream                                                                 milk-based beverages and other milk products                                           eggs                                                                      oils and fats                                                             animal fats                                                           butter                                                              vegetable fats                                                           margarine fruit apples                                                             citrus fruit                                    bananas other fresh fruit                                                      dried fruit, frozen fruit, nuts, processed fruit                        vegetables                                                                      potatoes                                                                fresh or chilled vegetables                                             frozen vegetables and mushrooms                                                 dried vegetables and other processed vegetables                        potato preparations sauerkraut other processed vegetables sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and confectionery                           sugar                                                                   confectionery                                                       jam, marmalade, honey chocolate ice cream salt, condiment sauces, seasonings, spices and edible herbs                         other food products                         coffee, tea, cocoa and powdered chocolate coffee                                                                        tea                                                                    cocoa and powdered chocolate                                                non-alcoholic beverages                                                           mineral and spring waters                                                   fruit juices + vegetable and fruit & vegetable juices                                                     other non-alcoholic beverages                         

More info

For details on price and content please call:
+48 782 011 000
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Other versions: Polish
Sector: Retail
Country: Poland

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