What is the content of the report?
- Reliable forecasts taking into account a multi-faceted forecasting approach: comprehensive analysis of construction companies, econometric models, expert knowledge
- Extensive analysis of the current status of the overall market and each of its main segments – civil engineering, non-residential and residential construction
- A long-range look at the prospects for growth in the Russian construction sector
- A comprehensive range of fresh data that describes market prices, employment levels, wages, investments and various project funding scenarios
The report provides data on:
- Trends – the most significant trends in materials and equipment in addition to macroeconomic developments
- The residential construction segment – details of upcoming projects, wage and employment statistics
- The civil engineering construction segment current and upcoming road, energy and railway large-scale projects
- The non-residential construction segment – companies engaged in commercial, industrial, warehouse and retail development projects in Russia
- Project funding – government programmes and other financing sources
- Industry prices – including wages, building materials prices and investments
- Building materials – totals of production and consumption of some key building materials on the Russian market